NEW NEW NEW! JOBS HERE for Internationals
This year JOBS HERE offers something special for international students
This blogpost is about:
- JOBS HERE on June 21st from 11:00 to 18:00 at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
- Take your chance - understanding the German Jobmarket
- Guided Tour for Internationals
JOBS HERE is your Jobfestival on the campus of OVGU! Since 2022 we have the mission to connect the best employers in our region with students, to build up strong relationships and to show what Saxony-Anhalt has to offer. This year we will be adding one more layer to the event – we are connecting international people with global-thinking companies.
Pssst: Intel will talk at 12:00 on our live-stage: "IT STARTS WITH YOU" - Come and learn more about work and life at Intel.

Take your chance!
For the first time JOBS HERE will offer something especially for International students! "Take your chance - Understanding the German jobmarket" will be the topic during a talk at 13:15 at our live stage. Daniel Schüler from Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt and Sophie Wagner, Head of HR at 3DQR, will discuss together with Deeban Mathivanan from Doorway International about the special features of the German application process and how you can shine in your next job interview!

Sophie Wagner from 3DQR looks back to several years of experience in recruiting, personnel management and cultural development. As Head of HR in an international team, she knows the special features of the German job market and is happy to share her experience with you.

Daniel Schüler, Project Lead of Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt, is part of several student initiatives and highly commited to Saxony-Anhalt. His efforts aim at bringing together young people, regional companies and politics to make the region strong and worth living - for YOU.
Guided Tour for Internationals
You are looking for a new job in Magdeburg and Saxony-Anhalt in a global thinking company? We will guide you to some chances and possibilities in our Guided Tour for Internationals at 13:30. We will start at the live-stage and tell you valuable information that usually is not written on their websites and social media. Afterwards you will have the possibility to get in touch with your favorite companies.
Take a stroll through JOBS HERE and see what more is waiting for you: More than 55 companies will be taking part at the jobfestival showing their opportunities between 11 and 18 on June 21st. And we'll make it easy for you: All of them who are actively interested in English speaking applicants and job interviews will mark their stand with a sign showing the British flag. Take your chance and speak to them - you'll never know what is waiting for you.
We will be happy to welcome you at JOBS HERE. See you there!